
From Idaho farm boy to Navy vet and self-taught writer.

Meet the Author

Gary Dale Helzer

I was raised on a farm in Idaho. I am the baby of eight. I have five brothers two sisters. The brother closes to my age is seven years older than me. When 
he started high school; I spent a lot of time by myself. I started to make up things and get 
creative. After high school, I went into U.S. Navy for four years. After the navy I moved to Lake 
Tahoe Nevada and worked in a casino for about a year. Then I moved to Reno Nevada and 
worked in casinos.

I worked with an English teacher From New York City. He likes books. We got to talking one day, and I told him I think I can write a book. But I am not a good speller. How would I get started? He gave me some tips. I got creative again and I had to write this book.

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